Cast of Characters

Holy Warriors

Half-Orc Oath of Vengeance Paladin

This acolyte of the god of death, Kelemvor, wants to preserve the lines between life and death. Strahd is an affront to the laws of death and must be defeated. Rather inflexible in thinking.

Mountain Dwarf Death Domain Cleric

This former mercenary worships Kelemvor and has become obsessed with stamping out vampirism and undeath. Feels this is a responsibility and will fight for those who cannot. 

Martial Warriors

Wood Elf Battle Master Fighter

An honorable ex- mercenary with experience fighting vampires. Though always polite, feels superior to anyone weaker or unproven in battle. 

Hobgoblin Path of the Berserker Barbarian

Retirement wasn’t all it was cracked up to be, this aging athlete wanted a chance to take out Strahd before dying. Fighting for glory and honor just might help forget about those old injuries, too.

Human Monster Slayer Ranger

Youngest in a long line of vampire hunters, this haunted ranger lives for the hunt. Take efforts to hold back the evil within. That should be possible, as long as no one interrupts the ritual of the hunt.

Aasimar Way of the Long Death Monk

A past filled with pain and violence has turned this monk into a pacifist. The world doesn’t seem to respect the decision. Haunted by memories of a tragic loss and terrible revenge, this just might set a spirit free.

Goblin College of Eloquence Bard

Goblin College of Eloquence Bard

Likes Strahd’s style and would love to write an epic poem/ballad about this evening. Will use flattery and bold actions to try to become famous–or at least curate a collection of offended, vengeful nobles.

Ghostwise Halfling Assassin Rogue

An urban bounty hunter and master assassin with a taste for the finer things in life. Killing Strahd would be a great achievement. Robbing him would also be fun.

Tiefling Warlock of the Undying

A warlock who has adopted the persona of a vengeful spirit, this anti-hero would like to kill Strahd to gain favor with an Undying patron. Exceptional at pact magic, and also enigmatic. The sustained eye contact is a bit creepy, though.


Forest Gnome Aberrant Mind Sorcerer

Is haunted by a past of being kidnapped and charmed by a vampire. Now seeks to protect the innocent from the same fate, even if it means laying down their own life. An analytical tactician with no trust in the divine.

Yuan-Ti Pureblood Necromancy Wizard

After a lifetime of cloistered study, suffering fools is loathsome! But what an opportunity to study the means to manipulate life, death, and undeath…? This knowledge demanded a trade for their soul, forfeit upon death. As such, the plan is not to die… or somehow earn it back.